​​Serving downtown NYC since 1898

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Past News 

Copyright 2021 Hamilton-Madison House. All Right Reserved.

253 South Street, 2nd Fl., New York, NY 10002

Tel: (212) 349-3724

HMH Thanksgiving Pantry Day
​November 25, 2020

With the help of Trinity Wall St and HMH's staff and volunteers, Hamilton-Madison House distributed 200 packages of pantry groceries to our seniors in the Two Bridges and Chinatown neighborhood.

Click here to view the photo album.

​In Memory of Harold Lui

Former Assistant Director at Hamilton-Madison House

Census Outreach at Cherry St.
The Hamilton-Madison House and the Two Bridges Neighborhood Council want to thank everyone who came out to our Census and Community Day Event on Thursday, Oct 1st at the community basketball courts on Cherry Street! 
Our HMH Caregiver Program, funded by NYC Department for the Aging, was present and its members spread the word about the importance of filling out the Census and promoted our Caregiver services.  We provide support to older adults 65+ living in NYC and their caregivers who speak Chinese, Korean, and Japanese.  We are committed to the well-being of older adults and their families and provide culturally sensitive care and support through a multicultural and intergenerational community-care lens.  

Census Outreach at Smith Houses
On September 3rd Hamilton-Madison House, along with Alfred E. Smith Houses Resident Association, Fulton Stall Market and Vision Urbana, hosted a #2020Census Outreach Day for the residents of the Smith Houses. This grassroots event sought to inform the community of the services they could enroll in and to engage with them to complete the US Census. Several elected officials (Congresswomen Nydia Valazquez, Councilperson Margaret Chin, Borough President Gale Brewer, State Senator Bryan Kavanaugh) attended to lend their support and to also announce a $2 million capital grant to Hamilton-Madison House from the NYC City Council Speaker Corey Johnson and City Council Margaret Chin to improve the community center for the residents at Smith.​​

Census Outreach at Knickerbocker Village

The Hamilton-Madison House Census Program along with Census Bureau Partners assisted 623 neighborhood residents complete the Census form during their three days at the Knickerbocker Village apartment complex.

Census Outreach at Confucius Plaza

The Hamilton-Madison House Census Program has been helping residents in the Chinatown and Lower East Side areas, including the Confucius Plaza apartment complex, to fill out their Census forms.

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